Hi there!

I am Becky Canup, a Canadian poet, and writer. I’ve been walking my poetry journey since I was 11, picking up a pen and piece of paper and jotting down anything and everything that came to my mind. As a child, I journaled, wrote on napkins in restaurants, plane tickets, anything I could get my hands on. Writing has saved me from dark moments, it was my rope in times of rock bottom in my life. Since then, writing has become a deeply seeded part of me.

“It is to me, like breathing.”

I believe that in every person, there is a beautiful theme taking root from the inside, waiting to be written and read. My burning passion for the written word ignites the flame that lives deep inside.  I speak words of romance, heartache, rage, sex, nature, love, and magic.

I write with soul, write with purpose, write with fire. Please enjoy some of my pieces and my blog.


The Writers Room Group Program

The Writers Dream 1:1 Mentorship

Heart of a Poetess Weekly Musings

Meet Rebecca

The Writers Room is a writers group for women who are looking to shed their fears and jump into their calling- intentional and soulful writing that the world needs to see!

Ever dream of being a published Author? Starting your own blog, or even writing for a magazine? The Writer’s Mentorship Program is for you if you dream of being a published writer and don’t know where to start.

Welcome to Heart of a Poetess, my newsletter love letter to you every week. These notes will just be little real-time snippets of my heart, quotes, musings and poems from my heart to yours.
